I recently did some traveling. As often happens, we hit delays. So many of my fellow passengers around me were getting angry, negative, and frustrated.
I’ve seen a huge change in my life in these situations while traveling. Maybe it is knowing delays are inevitable. For whatever reason, I have developed a greater compassion for those who take the brunt of the anger.
This reminded me of a verse I’ve been chewing on for a few weeks now.
Colossians 2:6-7 says, “Therefore, as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.”
Paul is talking about the core of our faith. I found it interesting to see him speaking of walking with Christ and out of the blue, he moves to thankfulness.
Abounding in thankfulness caught my eye. Or perhaps I should say it connected to my heart.
Gratitude is always a trait i could grow in.
This week i have been trying each day to pause a few minutes and in rapid fire fashion list off as many things as I can which I am grateful for. It has been a great exercise.
Paul was considering our salvation and our walk with christ, and his mind went straight from the core elements to gratitude.
How much a part of your life is gratitude?
Can you say you abound with thanksgiving?
Try taking a few moments today and express what you are thankful for. It changes your perspective on things.
Even when you are traveling!