Category: Grace
The Power of Habit
Recently I served as a part of the Blogger Team at the Catalyst 2014 Conference. Catalyst gathers excellent speakers to inspire the church. Charles Duhigg is the Pulitzer Prize winning writer for the New York Times and author of [amazon_link id=”081298160X” target=”_blank” ]The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business[/amazon_link],…
Deep, Enduring Change
I am blogging from Atlanta, Georgia at the Catalyst 2014 Conference. I have been asked to serve as a part of the Blogger Team at Catalyst! Tim Keller, the founder and pastor of Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City spoke to us on the following topic: What does it take to change yourself inwardly, deeply,…
Does our Parenting Reflect our Leadership?
I was shocked with a revelation the other day. Many of the things I do to my children, I would never dream of doing in my leadership. Parenting and leadership have many similarities even though the tools are applied in radically different ways. Most people would describe me as a gracious, releasing, and encouraging leader.…
On Leadership and Mark Driscoll
This is not a Mark Driscoll bashing post. I applaud Mark Driscoll and Mars Hill for what they have done in a location the church has not had a lot of success, Seattle. I do not agree with everything he has taught, especially his view on women and marriage, but love that he and his…
On Absolutes and Change
When do actions which are tied to our faith become absolutes? Are there times when culture changes, we can accept or even embrace some of these changes in the church? Let me tell you what I observed recently. I was at a restaurant in the United States. Sitting at an outdoor patio was the young…