Category: Grace

  • Incomplete Grace

    Incomplete Grace

    Forgiven of all our sins. Going to heaven. Free from the shame and guilt of the past. These are all part of the gift of grace which accompanies faith in Christ for salvation. But its an incomplete grace. Prior to receiving grace, we attempted to meet God’s righteous standard by our works. This is impossible.…

  • Is God Angry?

    Is God Angry?

    One of the biggest fears in the hearts of believers is having a God who is angry with them. We lie awake at night feeling guilty for our latest mess-up, resolving to try harder the next day. We wake up and engage in good, spiritual activities attempting to “earn back” the favor of God we…

  • A Journey With the Organic God

    A Journey With the Organic God

    Today I am reviewing Margaret Feinberg’s book, [amazon_link id=”B000SEPE0Y” target=”_blank” ]The Organic God[/amazon_link]. I have heard Margaret’s name for a number of years via social media as well as through co-workers, yet, I never managed to read her writings. I’m glad this changed. Margaret is an incredible writer. She crafts word pictures and uses stories to…

  • Grace and Consequences

    Grace and Consequences

    Many times grace receives the label of cheap or sloppy. We then attempt to manage, limit, or even control the dispensing of grace for fear people might abuse it. Grace and consequences are not opposed to each other. Forgiveness is not the absence of consequences. Pick any Biblical character and see the “pain” and implications their sin…

  • Don’t Blame Cheap Grace

    Don’t Blame Cheap Grace

    I hear it all the time. People want to downplay grace by pointing to “sloppy agape” or “cheap grace”. They want to make sure us grace folk do not go too far in our communication of this truth, causing people to abuse it. They feel the need to remind us of consequences and judgment while…