Category: Grace
Helping Others or Ourselves?
I have a good friend who is from the local community in South Africa near my home. He organizes a number of after school programs to create hope in the young people. He regularly tells me stores of how he receives cookie donations from older (insert the race which is economically better off) for his…
America, Meet the World
Hello America. Meet the Rest of the World. Note; This is not a political post but one of identification. The closer we get to the election in the United States, the more comments, eye rolling, and jokes I am hearing as an American living overseas. My journey as an American in missions has spanned over…
Romance Redefined
As Christians we toss words around like intimacy and passion transforming relationship with God into romance with God. In a sexualized culture, it is natural to start using these words to speak of our fellowship with God. We believe the highest human form of relationship will take on a sexual nature. I’ve heard stories of…
What’s Your Goal?
Our human self-sufficiency is never more evident than at the beginning of the calendar year with our New Year’s Resolutions. Goals are great, but so often we set about those goals in a self-reliant, try harder kind of way. As Christians, many of these goals are linked to spiritual growth, such as wanting to read…
I Believe, Help My Unbelief
In work, ministry, and life we all experience frequent seasons when things don’t work out quite the way we had hoped. In missions, our internal dialogues consist of “Am I making a difference?” or “Will these things ever change?” When we are trusting for provision, for a breakthrough in our health, or seeing a life…