Category: Missions & Cross-Cultural

  • Christmas as a Missionary

    Christmas as a Missionary

    As a missionary, Christmas can be a season which summons our most intense feelings of homesickness. -You are away from friends and family. No matter how broken family structures become, people always get together over the holidays. -The nation you serve in often does not “feel” like Christmas. The first warm weather Christmas I experienced…

  • How Do You Define Missionary Success?

    How Do You Define Missionary Success?

    Missionary success is difficult to measure. People are our job, so what is the measuring stick of success? Salvations? Newsletter Headline Inspiring Events? Good Conversations? While it is nice (and often true) to say if one person believes,  it is worth it;  will the missions committee or our financial backers agree? We define success in…

  • Community Development

    Community Development

    How did God take a group of refugees and build them into the strongest nation on earth? Can we learn things from this that can help us in developing nations to see community development established? God begins this journey with the nation of Israel after they have left slavery in Egypt. As they are in…

  • Extraordinary Things

    Extraordinary Things

    I would like to introduce you to Benny Prasad. Benny is well-known for designing the Bentar which is the World’s First Bongo Guitar. It is a guitar with built-in bongo drums and a 15 string harp. The guitar is so unique and intriguing, it opens doors for Benny to share the gospel. Benny has traveled…

  • A Life Overseas Missions Blog

    A Life Overseas Missions Blog

    I am pleased to announce the Launch of a fantastic new site. A Life Overseas is a collaborative effort by current and former missionaries to speak about life on the missions field. Laura Parker and Angie Washington are spear heading the effort. Laura is a well known blogger who recently returned from serving in SE…