Category: Missions & Cross-Cultural
Through an Immigrant’s Eyes
As the debate rages on immigration in many nations, I had an up close and personal look at the issue the other day. My family and I serve as missionaries in South Africa. It was time to renew our visas. The trek to Home Affairs brings dread to the heart of all. As I entered, I…
The Benefit of the Doubt
Today I welcome Sam Werner to NoSuperheroes. Sam and his wife, Ana, have served in several missions organizations. YWAM, IHOP, Iris Ministries, and Bethel Church in Redding, California are some of the places they’ve learned about missions and ministry. God has used them in children’s ministry, technology, healing prayer, and in everything practical that comes along…
God, Africa, and Free Coffee
So often missionaries speak only of the poverty and struggles of the field. Rather than merely showing pictures of people in need, I want to highlight the gems of Africa. T.I.A. = This is Africa Often this phrase is derogatory, but here is the truth. Africa is Rising! One area Africa excels in is coffee.…
A Plastic Community
We all have seasons in our lives where we struggle financially. When you live on support or through donations, a regular paycheck does not appear each week or month. Whether business, sales, of the missionary life, some months are good and some are difficult. There are two kinds of people when times are lean in…
From A Missionary to the Local Church
This post represents an open discussion between missionaries and the local church. This does not come form a place of anger or bitterness. My goal to bring awareness. We have two incredibly supportive churches behind us. When we share the concern and care these churches show to our family, our peers are stunned. I have…