Category: Missions & Cross-Cultural
Racism is more than Black or White
We have friends who have a South African woman come once a week to help out with the children. They recently went on furlough and wanted to keep this woman employed during their trip. They arranged for her to help with another couple’s children. Recently we learned this woman refused to come and help. The family…
No More Doom and Gloom
This post is mostly for my American readers in hopes of bringing a different perspective to the sense of doom and gloom which pervades the United States. For my readers of other nationalities, here is a chance to focus on the good in America, not merely the mistakes highlighted by the global media. The demise…
When A Missionary Returns Home
I recently took a teaching trip to the United States. These journeys become times when I reflect on life as a missionary. Being away from the field gives you pause to evaluate, both with positive elements as well as areas of stress. There are several factors of missionary stress which are apart of everyday life.…
Stop Comparing!
You may be sick of me talking about Cross-Cultural Servanthood: Serving the World in Christlike Humility, but it is profoundly influencing what I am thinking about. (I think that is the goal of every author, at least this one!) My thought today has to do with Duane Elmer’s exploration of ethnocentrism. In other words, the…
The Monkey Serves the Fish
I am being featured on Laura Parker’s blog, Life Overseas on Thursday and Friday. Check here for the interview and a new guest post. Along the missions and cross-cultural line of thought, I posted Monday on Duane Elmer’s book, Cross-Cultural Servanthood: Serving the World in Christlike Humility, looking at the process of serving while not putting…