Category: Missions & Cross-Cultural
Servanthood or Superiority?
“Missionaries could more effectively minister the gospel if they did not think they were superior to us”. These words come from Duane Elmer, when he interviewed countless people on the field, asking them about the experiences they’ve had with missionaries. The longer I am in missions, the more I gain a sensitivity to this perceived…
What’s In A Name?
Naming a child can be a much discussed and debated topic among parents. The names we chose for our boys took a lot of time and thought to come up with. We settled on names which reflected “Gentle Strength” and “Bears Christ with Joy.” Amazingly, the boys “are becoming their names. One is an athletic,…
Hope Deferred
“Hope deferred makes heart sick.” (Prov. 13:12) This verse has been turning over and over in my mind the last while. I posted earlier about the fears missionaries face. One of those was the question of the mission field becoming a home for your family. In that initial post, I shared how we had missed…
African Voices on Grace
What does grace look like in different parts of the world? This is the question I asked to some of my Bible School staff as a part of their internship. The program adds extra assignments to their staff duties to be intentional about their growth. One of our staff from Zimbabwe, told the story of…
3 Secret Fears of a Missionary
I know, you never have days like this. Even as a missionary, when something does not go your way, the emotions and doubts come. Those secret fears we have buried deep inside of us raise their head and whisper their lies. Here are three lies that we deal with as a family on the missions…