Category: Missions & Cross-Cultural

  • AIDS: The Shame of a Nation

    AIDS: The Shame of a Nation

    One of the leading issues in many of the nations we live and work in is HIV/AIDS. The statistics from South Africa on this issue are shocking.  Conservative estimates place infection rates at 10% of the nation, or over 5 million cases. Roughly 4 out of 5 cases are among women ages 20-24. Roughly 4…

  • The Dilemma of Missions

    The Dilemma of Missions

    As missionaries, we often report statistics as a way of conveying the impact we are having. Numbers of salvations, people taught, clinics opened, or people rescued from the evils of society. Behind these numbers are people, stories, and often difficulties. One the people we’ve been training, recently had an interesting situation which drove this reality…

  • Every Missionary’s Burden

    Every Missionary’s Burden

    Missionaries deal with many things. Poverty, Disease, Visas, Political upheaval, driving on the “wrong” side of the road, and more. Perhaps the part of the job or calling which brings the most dread is support raising. Every job has things which we do not like. Whether you are in business, medicine, or missions. I have…

  • Progress in our Nations

    Progress in our Nations

    Can nations change? Many negatives characteristics describe the nations we serve in. Some of these issues may even be the reasons we are serving overseas. Issues of crime, corruption and poverty are common to most nations where we as missionaries reside. Although, the irony is, these issues are no longer limited to the developing world,…

  • Missionary Kids

    Missionary Kids

    Plenty of emphasis is placed on the dangers raising children on the mission field brings. The thought of crime and disease sends shivers down the spine of a parent contemplating “the life overseas”. Choosing missions for your kids causes them miss out on grandparents and culture in our home countries. It becomes so easy to whether…