Category: Missions & Cross-Cultural

  • Money for Missionaries: Which Truth?

    Money for Missionaries: Which Truth?

    The Bible is full of truth. Sometimes, the challenge lies in which blend of truth to apply. Many of these tensions surround missions and money. Let me present three areas missionaries deal with. 1. Raising support as a missionary or minister. 2. Being generous to the poor and needy. 3. Saving money for your future,…

  • In an Elevator with Desmond Tutu

    In an Elevator with Desmond Tutu

    An ordinary trip to the doctor’s with my family turned special. As we were walking towards the elevator in an underground parking structure, I saw a small, older gentleman walking towards the elevator. My first thought was, “That looks like Desmond Tutu!” I motioned to my wife and whispered to her, wondering if she would…

  • Benefits for Missionaries Who Travel

    Benefits for Missionaries Who Travel

    Being a missionary carries a great cost, but does have some benefits. It is not all doom and gloom, complete with vows of poverty and poor fashion choices for clothing. In today’s day and age it is easy to benefit from one aspect of the missionary life. Frequent travel. The nature of missions involves being…

  • Loneliness in Leadership

    Loneliness in Leadership

    Have you ever found yourself asking, “What am I doing?” “Is this worth it?” “Is this what we signed up for?” If so you are not alone in your emotions, although these feelings can make you feel very isolated. Missions and any form of leadership carries with it an aspect of loneliness. Ordinary friendships become…

  • Missions Marm and Apple Guy

    Missions Marm and Apple Guy

    The Changing Face of Missions I want us to consider how globalization is effecting us as missionaries. Fritz Kling wrote a book entitled “[amazon_link id=”B005SJ1X5Y” target=”_blank” ]The Meeting of the Waters: 7 Global Currents That Will Propel the Future Church[/amazon_link]” His book will be the backdrop for our discussion. In it he identifies two characters;…