Category: Parenting
The Could Have’s and Should Have’s
You really should have done it this way… We are always critiquing our food, finding ways to make it better. The local church we attend is often the focal point of the “should have’s and could have’s”. I mean if they would just take our ideas everything would be perfect, right!? We are a people…
A Marriage Boost
Even the best of couples can use an occasional marriage boost. Maybe it has been a long time since you’ve had a “just you” date or getaway. Perhaps your family outings have been just that. Or it just may be the busyness of everyday life. You sense your marriage could use a boost. Things aren’t…
Leaders Must Practice Self-Evaluation
Recently I heard a team leader of a communication team wanting to protect his first year staff from sitting under too many seasoned, veteran speakers so as not to feel a sense of insecurity. While I can appreciate the pastoral nature of this leadership, I disagree with it from a long-range perspective. If your young communicators…
The Practice of Leadership
“Leadership is not an event, it is a practice.” It is the “daily little things where we practice putting the well-being of others before ourselves.” Simon Sinek, speaking at a recent Leadercast event said this. He is the author of [amazon_link id=”B002Q6XUE4″ target=”_blank” ]Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action[/amazon_link] and [amazon_link id=”B00G3L0ZTQ”…
The Power of Perspective
We recently had guests visit the nation we serve in. It’s always refreshing to see and hear things through other people’s eyes. It engages us in the power of perspective. Perspective has the power to re-center. Perspective tears down tunnel vision. Perspective lifts up our head and helps us to look outward. Our default mode…