Category: Reading

  • Top 10 Books I’ve Read in 2012

    Top 10 Books I’ve Read in 2012

    I spend a lot of time reading. In fact, this year in addition to many blogs and news sites, I have read more than 70 books (including fiction). (for a complete list, click here) I have picked my Top 10 books I’ve read in 2012. Many are ones I have reviewed on this site. Take…

  • Fresh Air by Chris Hodges

    Fresh Air by Chris Hodges

    I first heard of Chris Hodges from an article he wrote for Relevant Magazine. He had me at the title with, “Are You Loving God out of Obligation.” Take a look at an excerpt from this article: “Some people are trying to be good people by doing godly things—reading their Bible, praying and serving those…

  • Deep and Wide by Andy Stanley

    Deep and Wide by Andy Stanley

    Today  I am reviewing Andy Stanley’s most recent book, [amazon_link id=”B007JJENWG” target=”_blank” ]Deep and Wide: Creating Churches Unchurched People Love to Attend[/amazon_link]. Andy’s book is predominately geared towards pastors, church leaders, or church planters to help them reach the unchurched through their churches. I am not a pastor, church leader, or church planter. And I love…

  • Lifelong Learning

    Lifelong Learning

    On NoSuperHeroes, we speak about grace often. I post titles like Want Growth? Stop Trying! and Pleasing God or Trusting God? It would be easy to assume we are all grace and no effort on our part. Sloppy Agape some would call it. Just to be sure, I totally believe in being intentional about growth.…

  • Which Path Am I On?

    Which Path Am I On?

    We’ve been considering the difference between pleasing God and trusting Him. The motivation has come through  [amazon_link id=”B006G3NFR0″ target=”_blank” ]The Cure: What If God Isn’t Who You Think He Is And Neither Are You[/amazon_link]. I am so impressed with the content of this book and think it hits a nerve among believers as we walk out the…