Category: Reading

  • Malcolm Gladwell on the Underdog (A Review of David and Goliath)

    Malcolm Gladwell on the Underdog (A Review of David and Goliath)

    Malcolm Gladwell explores the concept of being at a disadvantage in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles in his new book, [amazon_link id=”B00BAXFAOW” target=”_blank” ]David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, and the Art of Battling Giants[/amazon_link]. His premise is that weakness is not always what it seems. Gladwell combines stories, history, research and psychology to draw…

  • A Journey With the Organic God

    A Journey With the Organic God

    Today I am reviewing Margaret Feinberg’s book, [amazon_link id=”B000SEPE0Y” target=”_blank” ]The Organic God[/amazon_link]. I have heard Margaret’s name for a number of years via social media as well as through co-workers, yet, I never managed to read her writings. I’m glad this changed. Margaret is an incredible writer. She crafts word pictures and uses stories to…

  • Do you Hate your Life? (or at least parts)

    Do you Hate your Life? (or at least parts)

    Much of the buzz in social media and the conference circuit is following your passions and dreams. The ideas of quitting your day job to do what you really would like, is highly prevalent. I’ve even blogged about the idea of finding the One Big Thing in your life. I work in an organization which…

  • Top Books so Far in 2013

    Top Books so Far in 2013

    The regular visitors of NoSuperHeroes know I enjoy reading, often a lot! Last year I read 72 books! Well, this year I am far from that total. Life, as it has a way of doing, has not been kind to my reading output of this year. Having said that, I have read enough to make…

  • The Meaning of Marriage

    The Meaning of Marriage

    Tim Keller founded and currently pastors Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City. With his mission being to reach cynical New Yorkers, he often has to refine what culture espouses to be true, replacing it with the Biblical perspective. When dealing with marriage, he is coming against the idols of self, image, and money. Look…