As missionaries, we often report statistics as a way of conveying the impact we are having.
Numbers of salvations, people taught, clinics opened, or people rescued from the evils of society.
Behind these numbers are people, stories, and often difficulties.
One the people we’ve been training, recently had an interesting situation which drove this reality home afresh to me. He comes from a gang-invested environment where crime and violence are common.
As a relatively new convert, he came to our discipleship program and followed up as a student in our Bible school. We saw great change occur in his life. He was one of our local success stories. He was a newsletter statistic.
But he has a story and challenges behind the numbers.
He recently attempted to share with some of the gangsters in his area. As he was, they asked him to rob some of the foreign workers whom work with our organization who he shared accommodation with.
To see the end of this story, visit A Life Overseas, as we explore the Dilemma of Missions!

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