Empty Promises

“Are you weary of all the empty promises that leave you longing and aching for more? This performance-driven lifestyle is just another form of idolatry and it will eventually leave you exhausted bitter and ready to give up.”

I recently read and reviewed Empty Promises: The Truth About You, Your Desires, and the Lies You’re Believing  by Pete Wilson as a reviewer for Book Sneeze. This is the best book I have reviewed as a member of this program.

Wilson has a nice page turning writing style, full of stories and challenging thoughts. One of his techniques is to rip off a list thought provoking questions that challenge readers to really search their hearts and apply what they are reading. Questions like:

Do you find yourself perpetually dissatisfied regardless of what you accomplish at home or work?
Do you find it difficult to celebrate accomplishments because you have already moved on to the next task, job, or mission?
Do tool malfunctions (car, computer, etc) really push your buttons?
Have you ever been told you have “control” issues?
In the back of your mind, do you suspect that the more you obey God, the more he will love you?

Wilson deals with the empty promises of society that can result in idols in our lives. He calls this the “spiritual treadmill”, a condition which causes us to work harder and harder and never feel like we’re making any progress”

How easy is it for us to fall into this trap, feeling compelled and required to give more, show up more, serve more, pray more, read more, evangelize more…”

More, more, more!

Wilson says “Religion always tends to complicate what God has made simple. It is always trying to elevate an action or experience to idol status by adding it to Jesus

We might feel like we have to be SuperHeroes!

Yes, the parallels between this book and my own are uncanny. To which I am thrilled. The more voices, the more paths, and the more people reading about grace; the better!

We even have some similar headings and titles. using the expression of Jesus +. Wilson says “It is not Jesus plus anything that gives salvation. It is not Jesus plus anything that offers us purpose, comfort, or security. It is not Jesus plus anything that defines our identity. Its just Jesus. Anything else is an empty promise”


May the grace of God break our idols and the empty promises which we are tempted to believe.