Grace is...

Grace is

I have spent the last week teaching on grace at Youth With A Mission’s campus in Muizenberg, South Africa . I speak about grace often on this blog, but I realized I have never done a post on the essentials of grace.

So here it is. A Collections of the haves and have-nots when it comes to grace.

Grace, when used in the New Testament, comes from the Greek word “Charis”. This means undeserved kindness and unmerited favor.

Grace is at the initiative of the Giver. We cannot ask for this gift, we can only cry for mercy.

Grace is given at salvation to all who believe, with no levels or degrees to it.

Grace is...

Grace is the forgiveness of all sin.

Grace is the declaration that believers are righteous.
Grace is the power to break the chains of slavery and set believers free.
Grace is the active force by which Christians live and grow.

Grace is not condemnation.
Grace is not performance or striving.
Grace is not based on human effort or initiative.
Grace is not a back door to heaven as some form of cosmic favor.

This amazing gift can be abused. We do it each time we sin.

Grace is not an excuse to sin, but rather the best reason not to.

Grace is God telling believers to get off the spiritual corporate ladder, since He already came down the ladder to Earth.

It tells believers they do not have to be bigger, better, faster, or stronger in order to succeed. It says they can be weak.

Grace does not need to be improved upon.

Grace breaks the rules society and culture hold dear.

Grace is less about what we do and more about who we love.

It does not always make sense to our logical, fallen, and finite minds.

Grace makes smoke come out our ears.

Grace is the most powerful force in the universe.

Grace is what makes Christianity different from all other religions. That is why it is truth.

Grace is Jesus


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