John Ortberg’s “Who Is This Man?”

John Ortberg’s [amazon_link id=”0310275946″ target=”_blank” ]Who Is This Man?: The Unpredictable Impact of the Inescapable Jesus[/amazon_link] is a helpful read. The book carries reminders of both church history and historical fiction in style.

Ortberg takes musings on the life of Christ and makes them page turning. Other books have looked at the historical impact Jesus, made but none have done it in such a readable fashion.

Topics range from sex and marriage, to the poor and needy, even the impact Jesus has had on dating our calendar.

The book is academic enough to be studied and application inducing enough to enjoy in a devotional style.

Here are some examples of what the book offers:

God said these human beings are to exercise dominion. That’s a royal word. But it is no longer reserved for a few. Every human being has royal dignity. When Jesus looked at people he saw the image of God”

“…Jesus contrasted God’s Blue Book (listing the value of something) with ours. Inviting the poor for dinner might be a possibility…But the cripple, the lame, and the blind – that’s another matter.”

“The Gospels, have impacted the world so much hat they have been translated into 2,527 languages. The second most translated book, Don Quixote, has been translated into 60 languages.”

“The theological factor that drove technology was the Bible distinguished work (to work it to be like God) from toil (which is the curse of sin). Therefore creative reason to liberate people from toil is part of redemptive work of Christ.”

Whet your appetite? His analyzing the impact Jesus had on the value of women and children is the best part of the book!

I would recommend this book to those who want to dive deeper into the life and teachings of Jesus as well as understand his impact on history. A wonderful blend of church history and application oriented devotional style.

[amazon_image id=”0310275946″ link=”true” target=”_blank” size=”medium” ]Who Is This Man?: The Unpredictable Impact of the Inescapable Jesus[/amazon_image]



