What Music Are You Playing?

Grace is so much more than forgiveness of sins, gaining us the event of salvation. Grace is the day-to-day journey of salvation.

We were united with him in his resurrection. This does defeat “death” in our lives, but so much more; it means life!

Paul in Romans 6 says our bodies are instruments of righteousness or unrighteousness. He asks why righteous instruments would go on playing unrighteous music?

“Verse 13 Do not present your members to sin as instruments for unrighteousness, but present yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life, and your members to God as instruments for righteousness.”

So what music is your life playing?

It does not mean it impossible to play unrighteous music as a believer We all know this is not true.

It really is a question of who is now conducting the music. Previously it was sin or ever our own efforts.

This is our default mode. Sin was our master and we were powerless to stop it. So we just did the same things over and over.

Then we believed.


The master was our self and our best efforts to conduct. The “try harder, do better” message may bear temporary fruit but does not result in lasting change.

Both sin and self lead to failure. Sin will reign or we will fail. Either one leads to death.

God says we are under grace. Grace is now the one conducting the music.

Grace reigns, grace leads, grace governs.

Since Grace is Jesus, this is the walk with Him that we so desperately seek.

When sin or self is on the throne, we use words like try, strive, perform, work, forces, and require. When grace is on the throne we use words like yield, present, partner, journey, allow, and walk.

Paul’s says things like “No longer enslaved to sin” and “Sin has no dominion” (rulership or ownership) over us.

And all of this is in the context of the Can I Do Whatever I Want? question in Romans 6.

Paul’s response says, “There is a new conductor.” Play music which is consistent with your new identity. Yield to the grace of God in your life.

What music are you playing?

Are you actively engaged with the new conductor?

Or do you find yourself going back to old patterns of trusting in yourself and your best efforts, only to find yourself frustrated?

Following Conductor Jesus is a moment-by-moment, day in and day out journey we will be on the for the rest of our lives.

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