superstar team

Superstar Versus Team

The recent trend in sports is to assemble a collection of superstars in hopes of winning a title. Is this the path to success or would organizations be better served to build a strong team?

The trend in sports seems to favor teams with many integral parts over the collection of 1 or 2 superstar players.

History tells us this.

In the NHL, the newest Stanley Cup champions are the 8th seeded LA Kings. A collection of quality parts but without a superstar.

In the NFL, the less heralded little brother of Peyton Manning, Eli, wins against Hollywood Tom Brady.  Twice

The St Louis Cardinals beat my beloved Phillies on route to a title.

Speaking of the Philies, their worst collection of individual players is one that won the title. Since then, they have added superstars and left the playoffs earlier each year.

In my missions organization, I have seen many charismatic leaders make big splashes in quickly building their team. Yet, within a few years they have left a wake of hurting people as they moved on to bigger and better things. Their teams disappear as fast as they were built.

Does this mean that superstars never win?


Steve Jobs led Apple out of the dustbin to being one of the largest, most respected companies on the planet
Albert Pujols, a superstar, led the previously mentioned Cardinals to a title.

So what enables a superstar to win?

Security – Can that superstar surround themselves with other capable players?
Humility – Knowing when someone else is the best for the job. A lot of superstars do not like to pass the ball!
Group Goals over Individual – Can the superstar work for the good of the group, not merely themselves?

At our missions campus, we were led by one of those charismatic, energetic leaders who everyone wanted to work for. He built the team, growing it by 400%. When he moved on something interesting happened.

We continued to grow.


This leader was secure. He surrounded himself with other quality, capable people who could move things forward. He knew his weaknesses and he possessed a humility that listened to the interests of others.

He is a superstar who won. He knew a team was needed

Apple has not missed a beat since the passing of Steve Jobs. Not known as the most humble man, it seems the companies success did not hinge on him.

So, as you build your team, a superstar is not required. A team can thrive with a collection of individuals working together. This is good news since most of us reading this would not consider ourselves superstars, rather ordinary people.

But if you have a superstar, make sure you have one who is secure, humble, and puts the group goals over his own.

Superstars win games. Teams win championships. A true test of a Hall of Fame player is often his ability to lead a team to a title.


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