Tag: book reviews
A Journey With the Organic God
Today I am reviewing Margaret Feinberg’s book, [amazon_link id=”B000SEPE0Y” target=”_blank” ]The Organic God[/amazon_link]. I have heard Margaret’s name for a number of years via social media as well as through co-workers, yet, I never managed to read her writings. I’m glad this changed. Margaret is an incredible writer. She crafts word pictures and uses stories to…
Deep and Wide by Andy Stanley
Today I am reviewing Andy Stanley’s most recent book, [amazon_link id=”B007JJENWG” target=”_blank” ]Deep and Wide: Creating Churches Unchurched People Love to Attend[/amazon_link]. Andy’s book is predominately geared towards pastors, church leaders, or church planters to help them reach the unchurched through their churches. I am not a pastor, church leader, or church planter. And I love…