Tag: christian growth

  • Creating a Culture of Innovation

    Creating a Culture of Innovation

    I am blogging from Atlanta, Georgia at the Catalyst 2014 Conference. Serving as a part of the Blogger Team at Catalyst has been a blast. Looking forward to more great content as we roll in to Day 2. Craig Groeschel led things off. He is the pastor at LifeChurch.tv in Oklahoma and the author of…

  • On Leadership and Mark Driscoll

    On Leadership and Mark Driscoll

    This is not a Mark Driscoll bashing post. I applaud Mark Driscoll and Mars Hill for what they have done in a location the church has not had a lot of success, Seattle. I do not agree with everything he has taught, especially his view on women and marriage, but love that he and his…

  • On Absolutes and Change

    On Absolutes and Change

    When do actions which are tied to our faith become absolutes? Are there times when culture changes, we can accept or even embrace some of these changes in the church? Let me tell you what I observed recently. I was at a restaurant in the United States. Sitting at an outdoor patio was the young…

  • Crucial Conversations

    Crucial Conversations

    “Often when it matters most we tend to do our worst.” Joseph Grenney, the author of [amazon_link id=”B005K0AYH4″ target=”_blank” ]Crucial Conversations Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High[/amazon_link], spoke recently at the Global Leadership Summit. He suggests we ask ourselves what crucial conversation we are not holding or not holding well. When a conflict arises or…

  • The Could Have’s and Should Have’s

    The Could Have’s and Should Have’s

    You really should have done it this way… We are always critiquing our food, finding ways to make it better. The local church we attend is often the focal point of the “should have’s and could have’s”. I mean if they would just take our ideas everything would be perfect, right!? We are a people…