Tag: Christian

  • A Faithful God, a Doubting Heart, & a Good Journey

    A Faithful God, a Doubting Heart, & a Good Journey

    Today I am privileged to have Tom Phillips guest posting on NoSuperHeroes.com. Tom lives in Lake Lure, NC where he directs The Emmaus School of Biblical Studies (ESBS).  The ESBS is a residential discipleship school taking students through the content of the entire Bible in nine months.  The ESBS was founded in partnership with Youth With…

  • Who’s The Boss? Two Views on Marriage

    Who’s The Boss? Two Views on Marriage

    ### People always want to know, if the man is not the head, who makes the tough decisions? As you saw in yesterday’s post, I recently read the fantastic book, Real Marriage: The Truth About Sex, Friendship, and Life Together, by Mark and Grace Driscoll. I raised the question of whether there can be two differing…

  • Real Marriage by Mark Driscoll

    Real Marriage by Mark Driscoll

    “Marriage is about friendship.”(page 23) I recently finished reading Mark and Grace Driscoll’s book, “[amazon_link id=”140020383X” target=”_blank” ]Real Marriage: The Truth About Sex, Friendship, and Life Together[/amazon_link]“. This is absolutely needed in the church today. In fact, in nearly 30 years as a believer, I have never seen this issue hit so head on. I…

  • Suggestions for Unplugging Success

    Suggestions for Unplugging Success

    Today is the second in a series of guest posts by Marysol Blomerus as she looks at unplugging as a way of balancing our lives. You can read more about Marysol, her lovely family, and her excellent reasons for unplugging on the first post in this series. So you have your unplug night or day…

  • 3 Healthy Reasons to Unplug

    3 Healthy Reasons to Unplug

    Today I am privileged to have a guest post by Marysol Blomerus.  You can follow her on Twitter @blomerus Its the New Year. Maybe one of your goals is to blog more and check Facebook less. Or to keep your inbox manageable and limit online streaming sports. Or to “be home and off your phone” after 7pm…