Tag: Christianity
All of us desire to be known. God has created us with a desire to receive approval. It begins with our parents, and transfers over time to our spouse, our boss, our community, and those we impact. We spent an immense amount of time and energy increasing our ability to be known. Even success does…
Are People Good?
We see countless headlines about the athlete who took drugs, denied it, then when he got caught says, “I’ve made mistakes.” Politicians are caught in immorality, acknowledge their failures only to get re-elected in a few years. Why are we surprised when they mess up again? We want to point the finger of blame. “I’m…
Every Missionary’s Burden
Missionaries deal with many things. Poverty, Disease, Visas, Political upheaval, driving on the “wrong” side of the road, and more. Perhaps the part of the job or calling which brings the most dread is support raising. Every job has things which we do not like. Whether you are in business, medicine, or missions. I have…
Incomplete Grace
Forgiven of all our sins. Going to heaven. Free from the shame and guilt of the past. These are all part of the gift of grace which accompanies faith in Christ for salvation. But its an incomplete grace. Prior to receiving grace, we attempted to meet God’s righteous standard by our works. This is impossible.…
Is God Angry?
One of the biggest fears in the hearts of believers is having a God who is angry with them. We lie awake at night feeling guilty for our latest mess-up, resolving to try harder the next day. We wake up and engage in good, spiritual activities attempting to “earn back” the favor of God we…