Tag: Christianity

  • Leading With A Limp

    Leading With A Limp

    “We should bless men and women who have done their level best to escape leadership but who have been compelled to return and put their hands on the tiller. We should expect anyone who remains in a formal leadership context to experience repeated bouts of flight, doubt, surrender, and return. Here is one reason: the…

  • Are You A Narcissistic Leader?

    Are You A Narcissistic Leader?

    Are you a Narcissistic Leader? The first response all of us have is, “Who me?  No way.” But upon closer examination, all of us may have shadows of narcissism hiding in our hearts, much like pride and greed. I’ve been reading a fantastic book recently by Dan Allender entitled, [amazon_link id=”B006412NBI” target=”_blank” ]Leading with a Limp: Take Full Advantage…

  • Don’t Be A Man After God’s Own Heart

    Don’t Be A Man After God’s Own Heart

    I have a confession. When I study Biblical characters, I often note their dark side. – Perhaps it is because we hear so much of their faith, their success, and their example. – Maybe it is to take away the mental picture of them walking around with halos on their heads. – Or I could…

  • Missions Marm and Apple Guy

    Missions Marm and Apple Guy

    The Changing Face of Missions I want us to consider how globalization is effecting us as missionaries. Fritz Kling wrote a book entitled “[amazon_link id=”B005SJ1X5Y” target=”_blank” ]The Meeting of the Waters: 7 Global Currents That Will Propel the Future Church[/amazon_link]” His book will be the backdrop for our discussion. In it he identifies two characters;…

  • The Value of Community

    The Value of Community

    I recently saw the power of community in action. I was away from my family in South Africa, traveling to teach in various Bible Schools and grace seminars. During my trip, my son began to suffer with asthma. We debated whether to take him in to the doctors, having treated this condition at home before.…