Tag: church
Are People Good?
We see countless headlines about the athlete who took drugs, denied it, then when he got caught says, “I’ve made mistakes.” Politicians are caught in immorality, acknowledge their failures only to get re-elected in a few years. Why are we surprised when they mess up again? We want to point the finger of blame. “I’m…
Every Missionary’s Burden
Missionaries deal with many things. Poverty, Disease, Visas, Political upheaval, driving on the “wrong” side of the road, and more. Perhaps the part of the job or calling which brings the most dread is support raising. Every job has things which we do not like. Whether you are in business, medicine, or missions. I have…
Don’t Blame the Church!
My English teacher was right! Pronouns are so important. I’ve recently been reading a book on grace. The author is attempting to point out areas for emphasis within the body of Christ. I’ve never met the man, but I am finding myself struggling not to judge him as arrogant. Why? He constantly makes statements against…
The Meaning of Marriage
Tim Keller founded and currently pastors Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City. With his mission being to reach cynical New Yorkers, he often has to refine what culture espouses to be true, replacing it with the Biblical perspective. When dealing with marriage, he is coming against the idols of self, image, and money. Look…
Don’t Be A Man After God’s Own Heart
I have a confession. When I study Biblical characters, I often note their dark side. – Perhaps it is because we hear so much of their faith, their success, and their example. – Maybe it is to take away the mental picture of them walking around with halos on their heads. – Or I could…