Tag: church
Family First
We all hear pastors and ministers exclaim that family comes before ministry. Business owners and lawyers will proclaim their commitment to life at home over work. It is one thing to say it, it’s another thing to do it. The pressure to perform at our jobs is immense. Society does promotes family values in words,…
Missions Marm and Apple Guy
The Changing Face of Missions I want us to consider how globalization is effecting us as missionaries. Fritz Kling wrote a book entitled “[amazon_link id=”B005SJ1X5Y” target=”_blank” ]The Meeting of the Waters: 7 Global Currents That Will Propel the Future Church[/amazon_link]” His book will be the backdrop for our discussion. In it he identifies two characters;…
When to Pull the Plug as a Leader
As leaders, we are constantly casting vision to spur our teams forward. Some ideas work and take off like wild-fire while others slowly produce results. Other ideas never really fly. You cast the vision, attempting to create buy in, but the concept never takes root or begins to grow. The vision languishes and people start…
The Value of Community
I recently saw the power of community in action. I was away from my family in South Africa, traveling to teach in various Bible Schools and grace seminars. During my trip, my son began to suffer with asthma. We debated whether to take him in to the doctors, having treated this condition at home before.…
Does Knowing Equal Changing?
Today, NoSuperHeroes welcomes back Chance Faulkner. His first post on NoSuperheroes, The Gospel That is Not, is still one of the most popular posts. _________ Why is it that we often believe the right things but lack spiritual transformation? Recently God has showed me that I have a screwed up mindset when it comes to…