Tag: church

  • All or Nothing

    All or Nothing

    We often get very difficult questions in our bible school; questions which have no answers which completely satisfy. Why does the Bible not condemn slavery? How come the writers did not promote equality of the sexes? Why can’t women speak in church in the Bible? The list goes on and on. Today’s modern issues of…

  • Surviving in an Anti-God Society

    Surviving in an Anti-God Society

    The airwaves of social media are laden with the demise of America. Christians are seen mourning over election results and some are stocking up on guns. The question of surviving in an increasingly anti-God society seems to come up often. I recently finished teaching the book of Daniel, which also asks this question. Daniel was…

  • Unintended Roadblocks

    Unintended Roadblocks

    I’ve followed a number of dialogues over social media in the last year. Many hot button items get debated and strong opinions come out. Immigration Gun Control Politics Homosexuality I have to admit, many of the comments from Christians have been shocking. While I know it is not the intention of the people, we can inadvertently put…

  • Deep and Wide by Andy Stanley

    Deep and Wide by Andy Stanley

    Today  I am reviewing Andy Stanley’s most recent book, [amazon_link id=”B007JJENWG” target=”_blank” ]Deep and Wide: Creating Churches Unchurched People Love to Attend[/amazon_link]. Andy’s book is predominately geared towards pastors, church leaders, or church planters to help them reach the unchurched through their churches. I am not a pastor, church leader, or church planter. And I love…

  • The Christian Life is a Paradox

    The Christian Life is a Paradox

    The Christian life is a paradox. Practice good deeds. (Titus 2:14) Not to gain something, but rather because you have something. After all salvation is by grace, not works. Wait, didn’t James say without works our faith is as good as dead? (James 2:17) He did. Herein lies the tension. There are countless paradoxes in…