Tag: church

  • From A Missionary to the Local Church

    From A Missionary to the Local Church

    This post represents an open discussion between missionaries and the local church. This does not come form a place of anger or bitterness. My goal to bring awareness. We have two incredibly supportive churches behind us. When we share the concern and care these churches show to our family, our peers are stunned. I have…

  • Promoting Balanced Lives in your Team

    Promoting Balanced Lives in your Team

    Half of American workers hate their jobs! That is shocking! I believe we can improve the enjoyment of our teams by promoting balanced lives coupled with creating a team environment and being concerned with their growth. Too often workers dislike their jobs because the road to success come through overworking. Workers need to be challenged and pushed, but…

  • Get the Right People on the Bus

    Get the Right People on the Bus

    Jim Collins, in his bestselling book Good to Great, is famous for saying “get the right people on the bus.” This is so true. Having good people has been one of the biggest reasons for our success in South Africa. But at times, we have to think differently in order to make this a reality.…

  • The Creation of a Team Environment

    The Creation of a Team Environment

    Teams need to be built , they don’t just happen. Apple Computer has done an incredible job getting employees to commit to their culture and  environment. They begin an employee’s career by telling them they now have the greatest job. Walk into an Apple Store and you see the difference a positive work environments creates.…

  • Is Christianity True?

    Is Christianity True?

    With so many religions and talk of all roads leading to the same place, how can we know which one is true? Is Christianity true? We can be confident Christianity is true for one simple reason. It is so different and unique when compared to all the other religions. If man began a religion, human nature…