Tag: church
Do We Protect our Kids from the Bible?
How do we inspire a love for the Bible in our children, while dealing with its dark side? The people, events, and stories reflects topics we might not be ready to talk to our kids about. We read a Children’s Bible to our kids as well as allowing them to listen the NIV Audio Bible…
No More Doom and Gloom
This post is mostly for my American readers in hopes of bringing a different perspective to the sense of doom and gloom which pervades the United States. For my readers of other nationalities, here is a chance to focus on the good in America, not merely the mistakes highlighted by the global media. The demise…
When A Missionary Returns Home
I recently took a teaching trip to the United States. These journeys become times when I reflect on life as a missionary. Being away from the field gives you pause to evaluate, both with positive elements as well as areas of stress. There are several factors of missionary stress which are apart of everyday life.…
Have You Lost the Plot?
In 20 years of leadership I have seen many times where situations or circumstances have clouded my judgment and ability to see clearly. In those times, warning signs appear, showing me that I am in danger of losing the plot, the big picture, or even my perspective. I have recently seen a number of these…