Tag: church

  • Creating a Culture of Innovation

    Creating a Culture of Innovation

    I am blogging from Atlanta, Georgia at the Catalyst 2014 Conference. Serving as a part of the Blogger Team at Catalyst has been a blast. Looking forward to more great content as we roll in to Day 2. Craig Groeschel led things off. He is the pastor at LifeChurch.tv in Oklahoma and the author of…

  • On Leadership and Mark Driscoll

    On Leadership and Mark Driscoll

    This is not a Mark Driscoll bashing post. I applaud Mark Driscoll and Mars Hill for what they have done in a location the church has not had a lot of success, Seattle. I do not agree with everything he has taught, especially his view on women and marriage, but love that he and his…

  • Turn or Burn

    Turn or Burn

    “The Wrath of God is coming on all flesh. This world is going away! Baseball is going away!” These were the words of a “turn or burn” street preacher I heard at a recent baseball game while in the United States. As he went on, I literally had to walk away because tears were forming…

  • Unlocking the Potential of Others

    Unlocking the Potential of Others

    “The highest calling of leadership is to unlock the potential of others.” This was spoken by Carly Fiorina at the recent Global Leadership Summit I attended. She is the former CEO of HP and now heads up several non profits. She was one of the most impressive speakers in a star-studded lineup. I love her…

  • A Legacy Mindset

    A Legacy Mindset

    “Humility has to be a value to learn and increase your influence.” I recently had the opportunity to attend the Global Leadership Summit. Bill Hybels gave the opening talk. This was my first time hearing Bill and he had a lot of great information for gracious leaders. Bill pointed out that humility enables us to…