Tag: church
A Marriage Boost
Even the best of couples can use an occasional marriage boost. Maybe it has been a long time since you’ve had a “just you” date or getaway. Perhaps your family outings have been just that. Or it just may be the busyness of everyday life. You sense your marriage could use a boost. Things aren’t…
When Living on Mission Replaces God
We hear a lot today about Christians filling the church chairs, but not doing much with their faith other than being spectators “Those lazy, unmotivated Christians, they just sit in the pews!” What are we saying? Real Christians are on God’s mission, engaging in God’s calling. We quote James of faith without action is dead.…
Valued for More Than Their Money
There is a subtle mindset which can creep into our thinking as missionaries and social activists. We can begin to think that there are those who are called to go, and those who are called to give. Jesus himself said, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the…
When “No Compromise” Limits our Influence
As you know I live and work in South Africa. We recently said goodbye to an incredible man, Nelson Mandela. There was national mourning for ten days. All television programming was preempted for 24/7 tributes. I’ve never seen anything like it One question that people were asking during that time is whether or not Mandela was…