Tag: Cross-cultural
The Dilemma of Missions
As missionaries, we often report statistics as a way of conveying the impact we are having. Numbers of salvations, people taught, clinics opened, or people rescued from the evils of society. Behind these numbers are people, stories, and often difficulties. One the people we’ve been training, recently had an interesting situation which drove this reality…
Every Missionary’s Burden
Missionaries deal with many things. Poverty, Disease, Visas, Political upheaval, driving on the “wrong” side of the road, and more. Perhaps the part of the job or calling which brings the most dread is support raising. Every job has things which we do not like. Whether you are in business, medicine, or missions. I have…
Missions Marm and Apple Guy
The Changing Face of Missions I want us to consider how globalization is effecting us as missionaries. Fritz Kling wrote a book entitled “[amazon_link id=”B005SJ1X5Y” target=”_blank” ]The Meeting of the Waters: 7 Global Currents That Will Propel the Future Church[/amazon_link]” His book will be the backdrop for our discussion. In it he identifies two characters;…
Crime on the Missions Field
One of the biggest challenges of living and working in South Africa is the constant awareness of crime. Near the top of the list in violent crimes such as murder and rape, South Africa poses a bit a of a safety threat. Poverty drives muggings and home robberies. Very few nights pass when I do…
Unintended Roadblocks
I’ve followed a number of dialogues over social media in the last year. Many hot button items get debated and strong opinions come out. Immigration Gun Control Politics Homosexuality I have to admit, many of the comments from Christians have been shocking. While I know it is not the intention of the people, we can inadvertently put…