Tag: Cross-cultural

  • From A Missionary to the Local Church

    From A Missionary to the Local Church

    This post represents an open discussion between missionaries and the local church. This does not come form a place of anger or bitterness. My goal to bring awareness. We have two incredibly supportive churches behind us. When we share the concern and care these churches show to our family, our peers are stunned. I have…

  • Top 3 Reads of 2012 (so far)

    I am an avid reader. I find as my children get older, and with the new purchase of a Kindle Keyboard , I am reading even more. One of my most popular post was the Top Reads of 2011 last year. So having consumed 26 books already this year, let me offer a teaser of what…

  • The Monkey Serves the Fish

    The Monkey Serves the Fish

    I am being featured on Laura Parker’s blog, Life Overseas on Thursday and Friday. Check here for the interview and a new guest post.  Along the missions and cross-cultural line of thought, I posted Monday on Duane Elmer’s book, Cross-Cultural Servanthood: Serving the World in Christlike Humility, looking at the process of serving while not putting…

  • 3 Secret Fears of a Missionary

    3 Secret Fears of a Missionary

    I know, you never have days like this. Even as a missionary, when something does not go your way, the emotions and doubts come. Those secret fears we have buried deep inside of us raise their head and whisper their lies. Here are three lies that we deal with as a family on the missions…

  • Facing the Judge: Galatians 2:15-21

    Facing the Judge: Galatians 2:15-21

    Often, it seems our Christian lives are consumed with attempts at pleasing God. Sunday school sayings of “read your Bible, pray every day, and you’ll grow, grow, grow” echo through our minds. How do we know we are pleasing to God? In my travels and ministry, I meet very few people who can confidently say…