Tag: Faith
Stranger in My Own Land
I was in America for the first time in forever on Memorial Day. This is a day where we remember the sacrifice of many who fought for the freedom of America. Drive down any street and you will see flags waving on houses with patriotism abounding. I found myself in the heartland of America this…
Connected But In Isolation
We are living in the most connected time in history. Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Skype, Facetime…… Why is it we have an epidemic of loneliness coupled with a lack of vulnerability? Depression, anxiety and stress are at all time highs. We are desperate to be known, yet terrified of being discovered. We are able to create…
Best Book I’ve Read in 2016
The best book I have read in 2016 is [amazon_link id=”0061777129″ target=”_blank” ]Necessary Endings[/amazon_link] by Henry Cloud. It deals with the difficult process of ending things in our lives. This could be letting an employee or co-worker go, ending a bad habit, or making a needed change in our lives. Take a look at some…
Cheap Grace or a Cheap Response?
The number one objection to grace says if you give people a big grace they will do whatever they want. Dietrich Bonhoeffer in [amazon_link id=”0684815001″ target=”_blank” ]The Cost of Discipleship[/amazon_link] famously called this cheap grace. I do not believe any grace is cheap since it cost Jesus everything. I would rather argue the cheapening of…
Gods Who Are Not God
Andy Stanley is currently sharing a series in his church geared towards people who may have walked away from God. In the message entitled “Gods of the No Testament”, Andy explores several false conceptions of God, which we as the church are often guilty of promoting. These are versions of God we have been told…