Tag: Faith
Is the Old Testament Irrelevant?
Being a grace blog, we often focus on promises of the New Testament and the New Covenant. Does that make the Old Testament irrelevant? Is the old in Old Testament representative of something that has no value in modern-day? Was the God of the Old Testament different than the one we love and serve today? The…
When Living on Mission Replaces God
We hear a lot today about Christians filling the church chairs, but not doing much with their faith other than being spectators “Those lazy, unmotivated Christians, they just sit in the pews!” What are we saying? Real Christians are on God’s mission, engaging in God’s calling. We quote James of faith without action is dead.…
Can Biblical Truth Substitute for God?
How many times have we heard change will occur in our lives, or even in our nations, when we begin to apply Biblical truth? It’s true isn’t it? You don’t have to be a believer to have God’s principles work. If you handle money the way God tells us to, you will prosper. Think of…
If We Live Right, God Will Bless Us. Right?
The most common view of life with God today is a picture of us living under divine rules in order to avoid calamity. Follow the rules, live right, and God will bless us. Right? We want God on our side. In simple terms, we want to move his hand or manipulate him. A God who controls…
How Much is Too Much
When dealing with the topics of grace and holiness, eventually the question of “how much is too much comes up.” I’ve spoken before about how much grace is too much grace. The flip side is how much sin is too much sin? We are accustomed to hearing preachers rail against certain kinds of sin. We…