Tag: Faith

  • Dirty God

    Dirty God

    I just finished up [amazon_link id=”B00ADUMU8C” target=”_blank” ]Dirty God: Jesus in the Trenches[/amazon_link] by Johnnie Moore as my first book of 2014. Moore is the Vice President of Liberty University. This is a great book which combines the truth of grace with the “putting action to your faith” the Bible calls us to. One of the…

  • My Favorite Books on Grace

    My Favorite Books on Grace

    Seeing as how I speak about grace often, and I do many book reviews; it was only a matter to time before I listed my favorite books on grace. Grace for me is a bit of an insatiable appetite. I cannot get enough of it. I am drawn to the message my soul so desperately…

  • My Favorite Nelson Mandela Story

    My Favorite Nelson Mandela Story

    Sunday is a day of prayer and remembrance in South Africa. We are remembering the incredible life of Nelson Mandela and praying that his values and ideals will be carried through by current South Africans. The television channels have preempted all programs since his death and have been showing tributes around the clock. In the…

  • Where is God When…?

    Where is God When…?

    When tragedy strikes, a question on the heels of this event involves some form of “Where is God?” As the horrors on the nightly news bombard us, it is simple to surmise God must have wound up the universe and let it go. Otherwise, we head down a path of unanswerable questions. If God is all-powerful,…

  • The Bible is Boring

    The Bible is Boring

    It is confusing and overwhelming! There are far too many contradictions for me to take it seriously. I just don’t get it and frankly it is a bit out of date. These are the honest objections to reading the Bible I was able to draw out of a recent recent group I taught. Once I…