Tag: freedom
The Christian Life is a Paradox
The Christian life is a paradox. Practice good deeds. (Titus 2:14) Not to gain something, but rather because you have something. After all salvation is by grace, not works. Wait, didn’t James say without works our faith is as good as dead? (James 2:17) He did. Herein lies the tension. There are countless paradoxes in…
The Cure is Trusting God
In Part One of this series, I began a review of [amazon_link id=”B006G3NFR0″ target=”_blank” ]The Cure: What If God Isn’t Who You Think He Is And Neither Are You[/amazon_link] by Bill Thrall, Bruce McNicol, and John S. Lynch. We followed the pilgrim down the road of “pleasing God to the Room of Good Intentions“. Finding both frustration…
Pleasing God or Trusting God?
Which is better? To work at pleasing God or to focusing on trusting God? Where should we focus more of our attention and effort? In their book, [amazon_link id=”B006G3NFR0″ target=”_blank” ]The Cure: What If God Isn’t Who You Think He Is And Neither Are You[/amazon_link], Bill Thrall, Bruce McNicol, and John S. Lynch explore this tension.…
Want Growth? Stop Trying!
What?!? Are you promoting a lifestyle which allows sinful behavior as long as it is not the really bad stuff? What about being intentional about growth? Isn’t change about making the right decisions and avoiding pitfalls and weaknesses in our personalities? While agreeing with all the above objections, I have a question. What makes these…
My Story is not Boring
Maybe you are like me. Earlier in life, I struggled with feelings of inadequacy when it came to the “quality” of my testimony. I was not a gangster. I never was a player. I’ve never signed up for a rehab program I was ordinary. I felt as if others needed a life-preserver more than me.…