Tag: freedom
What Music Are You Playing?
Grace is so much more than forgiveness of sins, gaining us the event of salvation. Grace is the day-to-day journey of salvation. We were united with him in his resurrection. This does defeat “death” in our lives, but so much more; it means life! Paul in Romans 6 says our bodies are instruments of righteousness…
Yield to Grace
While in the United States recently, I noticed a change in how people drive. Previously, when entering a highway, you would slow down and yield before merging into traffic. This has changed. Now, the one on the freeway must be alert because the cars entering are coming full speed ahead, barging into traffic. The yield…
On Absolutes and Change
When do actions which are tied to our faith become absolutes? Are there times when culture changes, we can accept or even embrace some of these changes in the church? Let me tell you what I observed recently. I was at a restaurant in the United States. Sitting at an outdoor patio was the young…
Please, Not Me!
Do you ever have days you wonder why God sent you? You doubt in the dark what you knew in the light? Questions about whether we are making an impact set in. As you contemplate your next big endeavor, you feel like saying… “Please, Not Me!” You are in good company. This is exactly the…
Working Toward Heaven
I was out for a jog the other day and ran (pun intended) across a group of Jehovah’s Witnesses preparing for a Saturday of door to door evangelism. In the past, I’ve engaged in conversations with them about salvation by grace and not works, Jesus being God, or even their view that only 144,000 will…