Tag: grace

  • How Much is Too Much

    How Much is Too Much

    When dealing with the topics of grace and holiness, eventually the question of “how much is too much comes up.” I’ve spoken before about how much grace is too much grace. The flip side is how much sin is too much sin? We are accustomed to hearing preachers rail against certain kinds of sin. We…

  • A Cautious Grace

    A Cautious Grace

    Whenever you tell someone you speak and write about grace, they are quick to offer cautions. Grace must be kept in balance. “You don’t want sloppy agape or cheap grace now do you?” Oh yes, well watch out for so and so, he is dangerous… Grace is treated as though it is radioactive material moments…

  • When “No Compromise” Limits our Influence

    When “No Compromise” Limits our Influence

    As you know I live and work in South Africa. We recently said goodbye to an incredible man, Nelson Mandela. There was national mourning for ten days. All television programming was preempted for 24/7 tributes. I’ve never seen anything like it One question that people were asking during that time is whether or not Mandela was…

  • “New” Leadership

    “New” Leadership

    Chance Faulkner is a regular guest poster on NoSuperHeroes with Does Knowing Equal Changing and the very popular, The Gospel that is Not. Chance returns with some reflections on a “new” style of leadership. ——– Jesus is the greatest man who has ever lived and who will ever live. He is also the greatest leader…

  • A Vicious Cycle

    A Vicious Cycle

    Do you find yourself going around the same issues over and over in your Christian walk? Do we employ new and better strategies for breaking that certain sin’s hold on us? Are we always pushing the reset button after our latest failure? Does it actually seem like the harder we try to live for God,…