Tag: grace

  • Want Growth? Stop Trying!

    Want Growth? Stop Trying!

    What?!? Are you promoting a lifestyle which allows sinful behavior as long as it is not the really bad stuff? What about being intentional about growth? Isn’t change about making the right decisions and avoiding pitfalls and weaknesses in our personalities? While agreeing with all the above objections, I have a question. What makes these…

  • Holiness: More than Keeping the Rules

    Holiness: More than Keeping the Rules

    Christianity often gets a bad reputation for being a religion full of rules and regulations. The character trait this incorrect view reflects most would be holiness. Surely, holiness is about doing the right things. Or is it? In the book of Leviticus, the word holy is repeated over 70 times. Leviticus details the sacrificial system, with…

  • Motivated By Eternal Rewards

    Motivated By Eternal Rewards

    I’ve recently been posting on some travel strategies drawn from my 21 years of experience. In the pursuit of travel rewards, you must always check your motives for spending a little extra. Do you need that perk, or are you walking in an addiction to accumulation? It becomes easy to justify a $50 purchase of…

  • Complicating the Simple

    Complicating the Simple

    How do I go to heaven? What is required to be saved? Poll 10 Christians and you are likely to get 10 answers. If someone Googles “How do I go to heaven?”, what will they find? “Keeping the Commandments” “Living a Holy Life” “Bear fruit” “Don’t be lukewarm” “Voting for a certain political party” (…

  • My Story is not Boring

    My Story is not Boring

    Maybe you are like me. Earlier in life, I struggled with feelings of inadequacy when it came to the “quality” of my testimony. I was not a gangster. I never was a player. I’ve never signed up for a rehab program I was ordinary. I felt as if others needed a life-preserver more than me.…