Tag: grace

  • Does our Parenting Reflect our Leadership?

    Does our Parenting Reflect our Leadership?

    I was shocked with a revelation the other day. Many of the things I do to my children, I would never dream of doing in my leadership. Parenting and leadership have many similarities even though the tools are applied in radically different ways. Most people would describe me as a gracious, releasing, and encouraging leader.…

  • On Absolutes and Change

    On Absolutes and Change

    When do actions which are tied to our faith become absolutes? Are there times when culture changes, we can accept or even embrace some of these changes in the church? Let me tell you what I observed recently. I was at a restaurant in the United States. Sitting at an outdoor patio was the young…

  • How to be a Biblical Hero

    How to be a Biblical Hero

    Do you feel like you could never be a hero like those we read about in the Bible?  You hear sermon after sermon on their successes and faith, but it seems an impossible level to attain. It’s almost as if they were not real people, walking around with halos on the head. Take Abraham for example.…

  • The Could Have’s and Should Have’s

    The Could Have’s and Should Have’s

    You really should have done it this way… We are always critiquing our food, finding ways to make it better. The local church we attend is often the focal point of the “should have’s and could have’s”. I mean if they would just take our ideas everything would be perfect, right!? We are a people…

  • Unlawful Law

    Unlawful Law

    Very often we emphasize love with those not apart of a church and rules with those in the church. We may have some of this backwards… Love should always be a part of our message and our lifestyle. Obedience and right lifestyle does set us apart… Paul said something to Timothy which caught my eye…