Tag: grace
God, If You Do This, I Promise To…
How often does some form of this bargaining plea cross our minds? “God….If you ______, I promise to ______.” Fill in the blanks with our chosen sign to give us the direction of the Almighty. We seek after prophetic words. A well-known prophet is in town and we attend hoping to hear some direct line…
The Most Overlooked Leadership Traits
The Bible is full of leadership traits and characteristics. Many of these are not applied. We all know of countless examples where leaders had a love of money, did not walk in sexual fidelity, or raise those dreaded “PK’s” (pastor’s kids, indicating they have issues in their family). None of us apply all the leadership…
The Power of a Smile
I’ve been traveling in the United States for two weeks with my family. We’ve been to numerous restaurants, hotels, and airports as we hit six states in our first ten days in the country. I’ve been struck with the radical difference in customer service from various companies and chains. Southwest Airlines – after flying close to…
Delegation With Trust
We’ve all experienced the dreaded dirty delegation. We are given a task, but then the supervisor micro-manages our every move, never really releasing us to do the job. We end up watching them do it and walk away feeling unsatisfied. Why didn’t they just do it themselves? We feel a lack of trust. No one…
Is the Old Testament Irrelevant?
Being a grace blog, we often focus on promises of the New Testament and the New Covenant. Does that make the Old Testament irrelevant? Is the old in Old Testament representative of something that has no value in modern-day? Was the God of the Old Testament different than the one we love and serve today? The…