Tag: growth
Top Books so Far in 2013
The regular visitors of NoSuperHeroes know I enjoy reading, often a lot! Last year I read 72 books! Well, this year I am far from that total. Life, as it has a way of doing, has not been kind to my reading output of this year. Having said that, I have read enough to make…
When Yelling at Your Kids is a Good Thing
I had one of those moments the other day that was heart wrenching, but later became encouraging. I had finished a long afternoon of attempting to help an 8-year-old learn phonics and spelling, thereby wearing down my patience. Something happened which caused me to raise my voice to my son. I said “I wish you…
Instructions Not Included
Have you ever attempted to assemble a child’s toy without the instructions? If you are a Dad, the answer is “Of Course!” Eventually, even the best dad will succumb to the inevitable instruction manual searching when attempting to assemble a “simple” toy. We often treat our lives this way. We do our best to…
Freedom Day: How Grace Changed a Nation
“We dedicate this day to all heroes and heroines in this country and the rest of the world who sacrificed in many ways and surrendered their lives so that we could be free.” Nelson Mandela April 27 1994 This is the date of South Africa’s first democratic national elections following Nelson Mandela’s release from prison.…
Are You A Narcissistic Leader?
Are you a Narcissistic Leader? The first response all of us have is, “Who me? No way.” But upon closer examination, all of us may have shadows of narcissism hiding in our hearts, much like pride and greed. I’ve been reading a fantastic book recently by Dan Allender entitled, [amazon_link id=”B006412NBI” target=”_blank” ]Leading with a Limp: Take Full Advantage…