Tag: growth
The Anti 12 Step Plan
We left off with Paul showing the futility of adding works to Christ, attempting to gain the favor of God. Now he is giving the Galatians the secret to success as a Christian. Don’t miss it! Read Galatians 5:16-26. Wait a second! Where is the 12-step plan? Where is the formula? Again Paul uses the…
Hope Deferred
“Hope deferred makes heart sick.” (Prov. 13:12) This verse has been turning over and over in my mind the last while. I posted earlier about the fears missionaries face. One of those was the question of the mission field becoming a home for your family. In that initial post, I shared how we had missed…
3 Healthy Reasons to Unplug
Today I am privileged to have a guest post by Marysol Blomerus. You can follow her on Twitter @blomerus Its the New Year. Maybe one of your goals is to blog more and check Facebook less. Or to keep your inbox manageable and limit online streaming sports. Or to “be home and off your phone” after 7pm…
Cut Off What?!? Galatians 5:1-15
If you have been following the 7 Minutes a Day Series, you know that the issue Paul is dealing with in Galatians is a false teaching of Jesus + circumcision. According to these false teachers, it was the secret to the successful Christian life. It is into this situation that Paul writes his letter to…