Tag: hero
Trusting God
When life seems out of control, where do we turn for our anchor in the storm? Can we find peace through trusting God? Do we find secure in finances or retirement accounts? Do we feel safe if we own personal guns or firearms? Do we depend on earthly governments to produce a sense of peace in…
3 Secret Fears of a Missionary
I know, you never have days like this. Even as a missionary, when something does not go your way, the emotions and doubts come. Those secret fears we have buried deep inside of us raise their head and whisper their lies. Here are three lies that we deal with as a family on the missions…
Facing the Judge: Galatians 2:15-21
Often, it seems our Christian lives are consumed with attempts at pleasing God. Sunday school sayings of “read your Bible, pray every day, and you’ll grow, grow, grow” echo through our minds. How do we know we are pleasing to God? In my travels and ministry, I meet very few people who can confidently say…
Top Reads of 2011
It has been said that “readers make leaders.” I believe reading and listening to books is a huge way we can be intentional about our growth as individuals and leaders. One of the most popular portions of our family ministry website, has been the page where I list the books I have read throughout the…
3 Deadly mistakes in missions (and life)
“Poor people are lazy.” “You must eat snakes and play with lions(if you live in Africa).” “Americans are fat.” People are famous for making assumptions and stereotypes. Often they are extremely painful. We recently had a time on our missions campus of sharing different perspectives from various cultures. We laughed, we cried, and we felt…