Tag: marriage

  • The Meaning of Marriage

    The Meaning of Marriage

    Tim Keller founded and currently pastors Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City. With his mission being to reach cynical New Yorkers, he often has to refine what culture espouses to be true, replacing it with the Biblical perspective. When dealing with marriage, he is coming against the idols of self, image, and money. Look…

  • When Yelling at Your Kids is a Good Thing

    When Yelling at Your Kids is a Good Thing

    I had one of those moments the other day that was heart wrenching, but later became encouraging. I had finished a long afternoon of attempting to help an 8-year-old learn phonics and spelling, thereby wearing down my patience. Something happened which caused me to raise my voice to my son. I said “I wish you…

  • Family First

    Family First

    We all hear pastors and ministers exclaim that family comes before ministry. Business owners and lawyers will proclaim their commitment to life at home over work. It is one thing to say it, it’s another thing to do it. The pressure to perform at our jobs is immense. Society does promotes family values in words,…

  • You’ve Been Wrecked, Now Commit!

    You’ve Been Wrecked, Now Commit!

    I’ve spent the last 21 years working in a primarily short-term missions organization, Youth With a Mission (YWAM). I’ve seen countless lives  wrecked for the ordinary as they served others through missions. This is the premise of Jeff Goins’ recent book. [amazon_link id=”0802404928″ target=”_blank” ]Wrecked: When a Broken World Slams into your Comfortable Life[/amazon_link] The…

  • Read One More Verse

    Read One More Verse

    Often in Scripture, things are not as they seem at first glance. Unfortunately, too many of us stop with the first glance. We practice “Bible Roulette” and grab one verse at a time without considering what the author meant. Context is the tool for this in Bible study. This is the second most important principle…