Tag: marriage
Does A Lack of Vision Cause Death?
“Without a vision, the people perish.” (Proverbs 29:18) This verse is often quoted as inspiration to have faith or to dream. But, do people really die without one? As we explore building a team culture through our series called “United We Move“, the first step in our journey is vision. Vision is essential to moving…
Top 3 Reads of 2012 (so far)
I am an avid reader. I find as my children get older, and with the new purchase of a Kindle Keyboard , I am reading even more. One of my most popular post was the Top Reads of 2011 last year. So having consumed 26 books already this year, let me offer a teaser of what…
Don’t Buy Your Kids “Lousy” T-Shirts
“My parents went to _______ and all they bought me was this lousy t-shirt!” How many of us have seen these shirts, or perhaps even have one tucked in a drawer gathering dust? Of all the amazing gifts we could bring back from a foreign country, and all we got was a t-shirt! Souvenirs represent…
What’s In A Name?
Naming a child can be a much discussed and debated topic among parents. The names we chose for our boys took a lot of time and thought to come up with. We settled on names which reflected “Gentle Strength” and “Bears Christ with Joy.” Amazingly, the boys “are becoming their names. One is an athletic,…
Have You Lost the Plot?
In 20 years of leadership I have seen many times where situations or circumstances have clouded my judgment and ability to see clearly. In those times, warning signs appear, showing me that I am in danger of losing the plot, the big picture, or even my perspective. I have recently seen a number of these…