Tag: marriage
Being Intentional About Growth
What do you pursue in order to stimulate growth in your life? Malcolm Gladwell, in his book Outliers, estimates that it takes 10,000 hours to become an expert in something. If we are willing to put in that kind of time we can master our craft. Over the past 18 years, I have spent a lot…
How Lukewarm is too Lukewarm? Part 2
This is the second of a two-part post looking at Crazy Love by Francis Chan. Click here for the first post. Francis Chan is challenging the church to not be lukewarm, which is great. He just goes a bit too far. In the interview portion of the book, he says “salvation has nothing to do…
How Lukewarm is too Lukewarm?
Did he really say that? I recently read Francis Chan‘s book entitled “Crazy Love“. He is a pastor and author that I admire and respect. His church gives away 55% of their money. He has walked away from fame and fortune to follow the plan of God. He has kept himself financially and morally clean.…
Grace When You Are A Jerk To Your Wife
I recently did something that hurt and offended my wife. I know. No one can relate to this! It is true confession time. I hurt her badly. Immediately after the confrontation came the apology. My wife spoke out her forgiveness. In her emotions and body language, I knew she was still hurting. In spite of…