Tag: ministry
Stay the Course
A few days ago, I finished riding in another Cape Argus Cycle Tour, a 110 km ride with 30,000 other riders over the breathtaking scenery of Cape Town. This year we were thrown a curve ball with 40 kph (20 mph) headwinds on the “easier part” of the course. You had to work much, much…
Misunderstood Unity
I work in an organization which sends many short-term teams as well as develops working groups around projects. I hear a repeated statement coming out of their meeting times. “Give us unity….” I prayed this with my teams for many, many years….until I realized what it meant. Now, when I hear teams pray this, I…
Keeping Ministry Attractive to your Children
As part of celebrating my first Blog-i-versary, I am re-posting some of my favorite posts which capture the heart of NoSuperHeroes. This post is one I enjoy because it captures the tension of missions and family. In the stage of life our family is, this is just as real today as when I wrote it.…
Which Came First? Work or Sin
Did work happen before or after the Fall of man? Is it a result of sin? God placed Adam and Eve in the Garden and gave them dominion over all that He had created (Gen. 1:26). To have dominion indicates rulership and stewardship, or the ability to make things better. Genesis 2:5 tells us that…
Get the Right People on the Bus
Jim Collins, in his bestselling book Good to Great, is famous for saying “get the right people on the bus.” This is so true. Having good people has been one of the biggest reasons for our success in South Africa. But at times, we have to think differently in order to make this a reality.…