Tag: obama
Grace When You Disagree
It seems there are more opportunities for division and disagreement right now than ever. Many world events have caused Christians to take opposite sides on issues. The recent election in the USA The worldwide issues with refugees and immigrants A global fear of the foreigner. There are those embracing terms like evangelical and inclusive, while…
Best of 2013 #1: Surviving in an Anti-God Society
As 2013 winds down, I will be re-posting the top three original blog entries of this year. Included in the repost will be some fresh comments detailing why I believe these were so popular. The third most popular post was: Do You Hate Your Life (at least parts of it) The second most popular was:…
Election Time: Love, Fear, and Idolatry
I have to admit something. I am very happy to miss the upcoming election season in America. Don’t worry, I voted. But to miss the speculation and doomsday prognosis makes me happy. Each day, hate spews on the airways of Facebook and Twitter. Believers proclaiming doom to America depending which party wins the election. Obviously this…
Through an Immigrant’s Eyes
As the debate rages on immigration in many nations, I had an up close and personal look at the issue the other day. My family and I serve as missionaries in South Africa. It was time to renew our visas. The trek to Home Affairs brings dread to the heart of all. As I entered, I…
No More Doom and Gloom
This post is mostly for my American readers in hopes of bringing a different perspective to the sense of doom and gloom which pervades the United States. For my readers of other nationalities, here is a chance to focus on the good in America, not merely the mistakes highlighted by the global media. The demise…